About 3 years ago I hit a bit of a brick wall with my wellbeing journey. I realised I was perpetually and mindlessly adding self-improvement and self-care techniques and products into my life, but instead of feeling (and looking) better I was getting nowhere—it was like I was just diluting everything I was trying to achieve and not really giving anything a chance to work properly. Not to mention wasting a lot of time, energy, and money along the way!

So, I decided to take drastic measures – firstly I stopped everything I was doing and decided to take a few months to review then start again —A wellness reset if you like. During that time, I read some of the greatest ‘make your life better’ books ever published, but this time totally dispassionately i.e., without distorting the content with my supposed prior knowledge on the subject, and with zero intention of trying out or shoehorning the ideas into my life.

My aim was to simply appreciate the science and philosophy behind what these experts were saying, to constantly challenge if the information provided was enough to make this new technique work in the real world, and to discover the best way to move forward.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I started to see gaps, for example, when you read a great new book about nutrition/diet it might tell you why this system of eating works and what foods to include, but it doesn’t tell you how to improve your habits, or deal with the cues and triggers that might knock you off course, or what to do when you have had the worst day ever etc! Equally, you might read a great hack on how to be more productive, but it doesn’t tell you how to work out why you aren’t focusing in the first place! Or you might read something about improving a relationship, but if you haven’t addressed any limiting beliefs or expectations first the advice on offer probably won’t resonate.

My few months, turned into 2 years! But it was so worth it, because I discovered a pattern and started living by it, building a robust and balanced wellness ecosystem. I got friends to try it, perfected it, tried it again. And, before long people started asking me to write it down so they could follow the principles in more detail. So, I did.

Enter modify, an easy to use, self-development workbook, that provides users with the essential knowledge and skills they need to ace their wellbeing and productivity.  Making life easier, happier, and more successful. It’s self-care and self-development from the ground up ☺

I’m Sarah, and as well as being an author and the CEO of Modify, I am also a qualified self-development coach and NLP Practitioner. I am on a mission to help people transform their lives through small and achievable modifications.

If you have any questions, please reach out hello@modify.london


How being curious gives you an edge